Galatians Series

The Book of Galatians Chapter Two

Hello, this is a chapter in which we see the interaction of Paul with the Jewish elders and his admonitions to Peter. The Gospel of Christ was confirmed amongst the apostles, and they shook hands in agreement to press on with the Work of the Gospel.—–2-e2ln6ef

Galatians Series

The Book of Galatians Part 5

We are in Galatians Chapter one, and we will focus and study the concerns that Paul had regarding the new false teachings that were spreading in the Churches of Galatia. This gospel was a different gospel than what Paul taught and was spread by the false teachers causing some to stumble.—Part-5—-e2l6lgt

Galatians Series

The Book of Galatians: Part 4

Hello everyone, in this presentation we will see the timetable of Paul’s ministry from his calling to the time of his departure to Galatia. I hope this will help us put this letter in a clear perspective so we can understand this letter better.——4-e2l0hnp

Galatians Series

The Book of Galatians: Part 3

Hello everyone, as we progress slowly in the Book of Galatians, we will take time to study how the Gospel was progressively preached from the time Christ started His ministry to when the Gospel was ultimately taken to the Gentiles after the Cross and the Resurrection.—3-e2ko6he

Galatians Series

The Book of Galatians: Part Two

Hello, in this series on the study of the book of Galatians, we will examine what exactly Paul received by revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul did not receive his doctrines and teachings from men but directly from the Lord.

Galatians Series

The Book Of Galatians/ Part One

Hello, Everyone, I invite you to listen to the study of the Book of Galatians. The early Christian Church was struggling with the teachings of the false teachers. Paul emphasizes salvation by Grace alone through Faith apart from Works. Let us dive in.

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