
There is no better endeavor in the human experience than to know the true living God, the creator of all and the Savior of mankind. My journey in the Word of God started after I got saved and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior in 2005. I soon got to hear the Word in preaching, in teachings, and in reading the Bible. I always appreciated Christian teachers who diligently taught and explained the Word of God directly from the Bible. Peter in 2nd Peter 3:18 tells us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope that the Holy Spirit will help me open your interest in the Word of God so that you start searching the scriptures on your own. The richness of the Word of God will ultimately help you understand the love of God for us and His glorious plan for us- His Body ( the Church ).

I hope that this website will equip Ethiopian believers to know the Word of God through expository, word by word study of the Bible with the goal of strengthening the saints to be faithful in their day to day Christian walk. There will be a special focus on the Book of Revelation: for the time is at hand!

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