Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Nineteen

Hello everyone, we are getting to the climax of the Book of Revelation: the glorious second coming of the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings: Jesus Christ the redeemer. He comes to take possession of the purchased price: the earth and the people of God. What a glorious day it will be. Enjoy !

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Eighteen

Hello everyone, we are getting very close to the final stages of the seventieth week of Daniel and almost to the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The final judgement is to be poured on ” Mystery Babylon ” and the famous city Babylon. Hope this will help understand this incredible Chapter.

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Seventeen: The Woman that rides the Beast.

Hello everyone. In this podcast John sees a great woman who was riding the bast that came out of the sea from Revelation Chapter 13. The angle explains and shows John who she is and what she has been doing throughout history. Her end is a cataclysmic judgement and destruction when the wrath of God is poured on her in the right time of judgement. Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Babylon: Biblical Introduction to Revelation Chapters Seventeen and Eighteen

To understand who Mystery Babylon of Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation is, it is necessary to have some basic knowledge of Babylon both historically and from the Biblical viewpoint. This podcast will be helpful study of Biblical Babylon to understand its role in the final days prior to The Lord’s second coming.

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