Revelation Series

The Tabernacle: Part Two

Hello everyone, here is part two of the study of the tabernacle of Moses: we will understand what we see in Heaven when we understand that the earthly Tabernacle is a replica God showed to Moses in Exodus. Moses built it exactly per specification. God’s patterns are eternal, His Ways are Holy, AMEN! Here is the link :

Revelation Series

The Tabernacle: Part One

Hello everyone, we take a little break here, before we get deep into the Book of Revelation and try to study the Temple in Heaven. To do so we have the earthly replica of the heavenly Temple: The Tabernacle of Moses. God had shown the heavenly Temple at the time of Exodus; and Moses build it out exactly per divine specification. Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Seven

Here we see the selection and the sealing of 144,000 men from the twelve tribes of Israel (12,000 from each tribe). These have received a special seal on their forehead, they are invincible, preserved throughout the Tribulation time and prepared to be servants of God. God is a God who preserves 100%, we believers are also sealed with the Spirit and eternally His. Here is the link :

Revelation Series

Matthew Chapter Twenty-Four

Our Lord and Saviour tells His four disciples in the famous Olivett Discourse the sequence of events that transpire during the seven-year Tribulation (the second half called the Great Tribulation). The events of the first half of the seven-year Tribulation correspond to the events unleashed on earth during the opening of the first 6 seals. It sheds better understanding when we study Matthew Chapter 24 with Revelation Chapter 6. Here is the link: https

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Six

John still in heaven, in the Throne room of God witnesses the Lamb ( The Lord Jesus Christ ) open the seals of the Scroll. Six seals are unsealed off the Scroll; on earth great and cataclysmic events start occurring corresponding to each seal ! Hard events but the Justice of God will always prevail. Let us get saved while still day! Here is the link:

Revelation Series

The Seventy week Prophesy of Daniel

Hello everyone, key to understanding end time prophesy is understanding Daniel Chapter 9. Daniel receives a chronological prophetic outline from the angel Gabriel, for the nation of Israel, from the time of Nehemiah ( the edict of Artaxerxes 445 BC ) to the final arrival of Christ and setting up of His earthy Kingdom! Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Five

Hello everyone, how exciting when the Lamb and the Lion of the tribe of Judah finally takes the Scroll from the right hand of Him Who sits on the throne ( the Farther ) to finally take possession of that which He had purchased with His blood. John writes what he sees in Heaven and the Throne room. Still future, but John has been translated into heaven and time where he witnessed these events. Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Four

Hello everybody, here in this chapter we see John taken up in the spirit to the magnificent Throne Room of God. From here on ward, the church is not mentioned on the earth. Exciting times are on the horizon for believers! Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Three: The Church Of The Laodiceans

This is the last of the seven churches to whom a letter was written by The Lord Jesus Christ. This would be the apostate, end time church that we see today. Jesus stands and knocks at the door and invites any man who hears His voice to open the door and let Him in. Our God is longsuffering; not wishing that any one should perish. Here is the link:

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Three: The Church Of Philadelphia

Hello Everyone, this is a letter of The Lord Jesus Christ to the Church of Philadelphia who has kept the Word of Jesus, persevered and has the open door set before her. Here is the link:

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