Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Twenty One

Hello everyone, we are almost at the end of Revelation. God’s final program of redemption has now been accomplished. We are in the eternal state, we have a new earth and a new heaven, old things are gone away, there is no death, tears, sickness, strife, disappointment. The is no night; The Lord Jesus is the source of Light, there is no need for the sun and moon. Everything is perfect: for God and the ” Lamb” are in the midst of men in the New Jerusalem. Enjoy :

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Twenty: Part Two- The Resurrections and The Judgements.

Hello everyone, there are going to be resurrections and judgements that will happen at the beginning and at the end of the millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sobering chapter, but God’s perfect righteousness demands perfect Justice. Let us believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect plan of salvation while it is still day.—The-Resurrections-and-the-Judgements-e1k23ti

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Twenty: Part One – The Millennium

Hello everyone -The time of the Great Tribulation is over on earth; the Lord Jesus Christ is now the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords on earth. This is in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant where He is going to rule the whole earth for 1000 years from Jerusalem. After that we will transition to the eternal state with the New Jerusalem coming down to the new earth. What a glorious time it is going to be for the believers in Christ! This is part one of a two segment on the Millennial Kingdom.–The-Millenium-e1k20ph/a-a83lel1

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