Bible Studies

The Holy Spirit

Hello everyone! Here is a small Bible study on the Holy Spirit. Do you know that all truly born-again Christians have the Holy Spirit living in them? What is the purpose and the work of the Holy Spirit in us? Do we walk by the Spirit or quench the Spirit? Let us search the Scriptures. Here is the link:

Bible Studies

The Trinity

Hello everyone, is it important to know the God of the Bible who saves us? It is very important to know Him because our life and eternity depends on who we put our trust on. The Bible abundantly teaches us who He is. Let us search the Scripture together,

Here is the link ;

Bible Studies

Abiding in the Lord Jesus Christ

Hello everyone. As a believer in Christ are you fully abiding in Christ? What does Christ tell us about this subject? Are you bearing fruits for Christ? Let us search the Scriptures.

Here is the link:

Bible Studies

Born Again

Is the term ” Born Again ” a true Biblical term or just an evangelical cliche? Let us search the Scriptures and find out what God says about being born again and the new birth.

Here is the link:

Bible Studies

Grace of God – Part Two

Hello everyone, let us explore how this “manifold ” Grace of God which is through the Lord Christ Jesus. How it works in us, to build us up in our Christian walk and growth.

Here is the link:–Part-Two-e1qpcso

Bible Studies

Grace of God – Part One

Hello everyone, I am sharing a brief two series Bible study on the marvelous Grace of God available for the giving to all humans through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Here is the link:–Part-one-e1qp8ac

Revelation Series

Revelation Chapter Twenty- Two

The last Chapter of the Bible; we are in the new earth, in the eternal City of God- the new Jerusalem. Let us explore this wonderful chapter and John saw it, where God lives with His people eternally.

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